Moves in the Field
The standard moves in the field tests are divided into eight classes to be taken in the following order: Pre-preliminary, preliminary, pre-juvenile, juvenile, intermediate, novice, junior and senior.
Pre-Preliminary Moves in the Field Test (PPM)
The purpose of this test is to encourage beginning skaters to learn the fundamentals of ice skating. No great deal of technical ability, carriage or flow is expected. The candidate must show knowledge of the steps, fairly good edges and some evidence of good form.
Forward Perimeter Stroking
Basic Consecutive Edges
Forward Right and Left Foot Spirals
Waltz Eight
Preliminary Moves in the Field Test (PM)
The purpose of this test is to continue the encouragement of beginning skaters to learn the fundamentals of ice skating. The candidate must show knowledge of the steps and a good sense of power (speed and flow). Attention should be given to depth of edges and proper curvature of lobes.
Forward and Backward Crossovers
Consecutive Outside and Inside Spirals
Forward Power 3-Turns
Alternating Forward 3-Turns
Forward Circle Eight
Alternating Backward Crossovers to Backward Outside Edges
Pre-Juvenile Moves in the Field Test (PJM)
The fundamentals of ice skating must be demonstrated, although not necessarily mastered. Good edges, flow, power, extension and posture are required and must be strongly emphasized.
Forward Perimeter Power Crossover Stroking - Counterclockwise only
Backward Perimeter Power Crossover Stroking - Counterclockwise only
FO-BI 3-Turns in the Field
FI-BO 3-Turns in the Field
Forward and Backward Power Change of Edge Pulls
Backward Circle Eight
Five Step Mohawk Sequence
Juvenile Moves in the Field Test (JM)
Candidates must skate the correct steps and turns on good edges, with good form, flow, power, and preciseness to their steps.
Stroking: Forward Power Circle
Stroking: Backward Power Circle
Eight-Step Mohawk Sequence
Forward and Backward Free Skate Cross Strokes
Backward Power 3-Turns
Forward Double 3-Turns
Intermediate Moves in the Field Test (IM)
Strong, true edges, smooth turns, correct posture and effortless flow are expected of the candidate.
Backward Double Three-Turns
Spiral Sequence
Brackets in the Field Sequence
Inside Slide Chassé Pattern
Novice Moves in the Field Test (NM)
The candidate must give a performance that is generally good. The preciseness of the footwork should be nearly faultless, the body motion well timed and the flow and power very good. No major consistent errors should be in evidence.
Inside Three-Turns / Rocker Choctaws
Forward & Backward Outside Counters
Forward and Backward Inside Counters
Forward Loops
Backward Rocker Choctaw Sequence
Backward Twizzles
Junior Moves in the Field Test (JRM)
The candidate must give a performance that is generally very good in all respects. Focus should be on power, flow, edge quality and line and footwork control.
Forward & Backward Outside Rockers
Forward & Backward Inside Rockers
Power Pulls
Choctaw Sequence
Backward Loop Pattern
Straight Line Step Sequence
Senior Moves in the Field Test (SRM)
The candidate must give an excellent performance, displaying power, strong edge control and depth, extension, and precise footwork control.
Sustained Edge Step
Spiral Sequence
Backward Outside Power Double 3-Turns to Power Double Inside Rockers
Backward Inside Power Double 3-Turns to Power Double Outside Rockers
Serpentine Step Sequence